On Air: Anthropology - podcast stories
On Air: Anthropology - podcast stories
Organização: Daniela Tonelli Manica, Milena Peres, Soraya Fleischer
Ano de lançamento: 2023
Páginas: 161
ISBN: 978-65-5637-892-3
DOI: 10.29327/5337529
These people who get into everything
Bia Guimarães, Sarah Azoubel
“Anthropo…. what? Humanities, Science and Audio Dissemination” – Presentation Script
Daniela Tonelli Manica, Milena Peres , Soraya Fleischer
Chapter 1
Within context: the soundscape of Selvagerias
Frederico Sabanay, Lucas Lippi, Taina Scartezini
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-1
Chapter 2
Sentidos do Campo: anthropological storytelling and sound experimentation
Paula Lacerda, Carolina Parreiras
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-2
Chapter 3
From underground to podosphere – Conversas da Kata
Ana Oliveira, Bruner Titonelli, Marina Fonseca, Yazmin Safatle
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-3
Chapter 4
Social policies with Anthropology? Stories that intersect in an episode of Observantropologia
Camilla Iumatti Freitas, Stephanie Sacco, Patricia dos Santos Pinheiro, Anatil Maux
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-4
Chapter 5
Museológicas Podcast: An experience report of our adventure in the podosphere
Hugo Menezes Neto, Francisco Sá Barreto dos Santos
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-5
Chapter 6
Antropólis Podcast: far beyond academia
Guilhermo Aderaldo, Francisco Pereira Neto, Claudia Turra Magni, Ediane Oliveira, Gabriela Lamas
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-6
Chapter 7
Compósita: a way of learning about the Amazon through listening
Ramon Reis
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-7
Chapter 8
Cooking research stories: the Mundaréu podcast
Daniela Tonelli Manica, Soraya Fleischer
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-8
Chapter 9
Farewell Sounds: journey through Médio Jequitinhonha (MG) on the tracks of the Sensibilidades Antropológicas podcast
Valéria de Paula Martins
DOI: 10.29327/5337529.1-9
Simone Pallone de Figueiredo